Green Tech

We are specialists in renewable energy which we offer in the fields of lighting, connected objects, smart territories and more generally actors in the ecological transition.

We want to show that it is possible to find the right combination of economic growth and environmental preservationSo, what are we waiting for?

Our valuesWe are committed to passing on our values to
future generations

We are Visionaries

We have a strong and engaging vision: it is possible to prosper and develop by prioritizing people and their environment. To be a visionary is to understand that you have to think further, bigger and not be satisfied with what already exists. We choose co-construction and collective intelligence to bring out innovative and innovative ideas. No more time to procrastinate, now let’s build and reinvent, all together, the world of tomorrow and beyond

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We are Responsible

To be responsible is to have a real awareness of current environmental and human issues. Above all, it means implementing better uses of renewable energy and a real optimization of the rate of use of physical energy production equipment. We believe in technological innovation and artificial intelligence in the service of a suffering environment and people who are losing their bearings. We will not back down and will spread our innovations beyond the borders of France

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We are United

We are committed to co-creating a better world where everyone, regardless of their situation or location, can have access to current and future technologies. Energy for all is possible if we give ourselves the means to do so. Light warms and brings people together, it radiates and represents the vector of change. We are all connected to each other, we have a common responsibility and interests. Together, let’s go further and spread our vision of a world: a world that is united, engaged and inclusive

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Humight is a brand born from the collaboration of an entire ecosystem initiated by Green Tech Innovations

Driven by common values and a deep desire to develop innovative 5.0 solutions for the environment Green Tech Innovations rely on solid academic skills and a network of agile, committed and recognized employees in the region. We offer global and in-depth pre-studies to identify the level of potential of projects and maintain efficiency at each stage. This is what allows us to deploy measurable added value through innovative expertise in the fields of energy, connected objects, artificial intelligence and the Smart City.   We are convinced that collective intelligence and co-construction are the keys to all innovations and discoveries!   It is by questioning and raising awareness  of  human and environmental issues among our clients and communities that we  will have the privilege of transforming them  into true agents of change. It is essential to break with existing models based on many automatisms and to create an ecosystem built on collective intelligence and innovation for all. We are, in fact, convinced that current and future technologies must be accessible, educational and aware of our past and present in order to build the best path towards the world of tomorrow
En savoir plus

Our solutions The humight solutions are entirely eco-friendly and meet all our current and future challenges

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Our solar LED Streetlight

 » Thanks to artificial intelligence, there are no more power cuts at night to save energy. »

Project Manager at Green Tech Innovations

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Our solar panel

« A quick calculation has determined that an installed Solar E-Light luminaire can bring Strasbourg 30 euros in revenue per year thanks to the energy surplus generated by our innovative solution. Out of 90,000 light points, this would mean 2.7 million euros as an annual new revenue!! »

David Chquiry,
Ceo Green Tech Innovations

Our solutions video

Our dream team a team radiant and ambassadors of a new kind

Partnerships Advisor
Project Manager Energy & Lighting

Our news Our sunny streetlighting

humight articles digitalinpulse logo greentech 01
27 Mai 2022

Solar Impulse

humight articles ces greentech 02
26 Mai 2022

Les Trophées RSE 2021

HumanitarianHumight'Travel is a committed company that offers through several energy-saving projects cost-effective systems that provide easy access to electricity, lighting and water in order to help accelerate the economic development of emerging countries.

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Through Humight Green Tech Innovations and all its partners wish to demonstrate that by being so committed to serving the Environment this meant that it was just as necessary that we be at the service of humans. This is why Green Tech Innovations has initiated a social and societal approach to contribute to both the professional development of women and men who enable society to meet challenges every day and also to engage in an approach solidarity with populations in great difficulty, particularly in favor of developing countries. Concrete, operational, life and desire actions that make smiles shine even more in this shared warm energy and which does so much good!!!

Green Tech Innovations thus redefines a framework around HUMIGHT, synonymous with a system of human values, solidarity, integrity, performance, innovation and commitment to the Environment.

HUMIGHT which defines new standards around green and positive energies in all sectors.

So are you HUMIGHT or not???

A big thank you to our committed partners and supporters

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